klik di sini

wanna inform u all guys,

anyone who want to copy & paste any entry from this blog,please inform to the owner first..if not,just add some text at the end of the entry by listing my name..i don't want any misunderstood occurs because people might think i copy the entry from the other blog,whereas i created on my own

suka ke?

BE tu apa ?


tadi aku curi-curi jenguk beberapa blog..
diorang ni duk sebut pasal BE..
apa BE tu?
yang aku dapat capture melalui penulisan diorang,
BE tu macam duit..
tapi,duit apa?

tolong explain kat aku..
i'm newbie here ^_^



M a W a D D a H said...

BE (buffer earning) tu daripada iklan nuffnang..taip je kat google pasal nuffnang, be, me...mesti jumpa punya...:)

tengku ashran said...

tq ^_^ nice in4